Monday 28 February 2011

Football kits galore

Blog by Laura, Georgina, Bekki, Lauren and Martin.
The morning started with our daily bus rides along the treacherous tracks towards the school. We were all allocated different jobs; cutting out stencils so that the students could design their own collage, setting up the banners and paints and laying down the parachutes. The children then painted the stencils of the animals in the jungle and under the sea having a ball with the glitter! It was heartbreaking to see that they couldn't even manage to hold the scissors never mind use them. After collecting shells and leaves the previous day the children used them to print patterns onto the banners before sticking on their animal pictures. The teachers told us that the children had been practicing how to draw cats and tigers all weekend ready for our arrival today.
We then distributed all of the football kits which were donated and each child left with several gifts and a big smile on their face! Some of  the villagers also came into the school to see what all the excitement was about so of course they also left with a football kit!! These people never have white people in their village so it has been a fantastic time and experience for both.
Georgina has missed McDonalds and Laura has become the Gambia's version of Ceaser the dog whisperer as everywhere she goes several dogs follow her!! It has become a running joke of the trip!
Most of the boys had a back massage by the pool which also made the girls giggle!! They do deserve it as they have been working hard!!!!
Anyway we have got to go before the generator stops working AGAIN!!! It has been a very eventful day!!!

PS the girls won (with the help of Martin!) the water polo today!!
See you all soon back in sunny Wigan!


  1. Another great blog. You all seem to be enjoying each others company.
    Hope you all took lots of photographs, especially when you were handing out the replica shirts. Martin did you get the photo i wanted or did you get the one dad wanted?
    Hope you have a great night, can't wait to see you all tomorrow. Have a safe journey.

  2. Sounds like you've all had a wonderful time - I've loved reading the blogs and looking forward to your safe return tomorrow. Hope there are plenty of photos!!!

  3. I am so glad you have all had the chance to experience a land and culture that most of us will only ever read about. Truly a trip of a lifetime. Cant wait to see you back home tomorrow when you can tell us all about the trip and show off the photos.
