Friday 25 February 2011

What a busy day!

After a great nights karaoke at the hotel last night, it was a surprise to see all the students rise bright and early this morning for what was the first days workshops with the children of the school.

It's quite a journey to the school, and you certainly see some sights on the way.  Every place seems so busy, with people all moving around and working hard, but they always have a smile and wave for you.  The Gambian people are so friendly and you can't fail but to feel welcome in this wonderful country.

The venture to the school also takes you on a dirt track, which is very dry and sandy.  On either side of the dirt track you will see peoples homes and villages, or shops or workshops.  You will also see farms, were there are lots of cattle and goats, these animals often can be seen just walking down the road.  Some of us were fortunate to see a couple of monkeys this morning running across the road.

We arrived to the school with a great number of very excited children.  And these children were about to experience a type of education they have never had before.

Areas around the school grounds were set up for painting and drawing, we had a reading library shaded under a big tree.  We set up two parachutes and three quick cricket sets.

All the children were split up in to 3 groups (tigers, elephants and monkeys).  And a group of students took charge of each of the children's groups.

To break down the barriers, the children were invited to form three large circles.  And they each sang songs, such as 'heads, shoulders, knees and toes', 'ring a ring a roses', 'okey kokey' and 'wind the bobbin up'.  They were then sent in their groups to do different activities.

It was so lovely to see the children painting pictures, playing cricket and generally having a great time.  Many comments were given to us about how the children have never had anything like this.  All of the children were for the first time in their lives able to paint a picture and take it home to their family.  It's so humbling.

The children were busy with all the activities up until 12.45, a very busy day for them and a very busy day for the students also.  The heat really makes you tire.

We then handed out gifts to the hardest working children of the day, and they really didn't know what to make of it.  Again it is so humbling to know that it takes a while for these children to understand that the gifts are for them to take home with them.

After a hard mornings work, we then took the long hot journey back to the hotel.  Where again, you just have many strangers just waving to you or saying hello - very different to back home.

Tonight we are going to have some food on a beach bar, and tomorrow is a day off as it is the national cleaning day in The Gambia.  So, we will likely chill around the pool or go to the beach.  And Sunday is our big excursion, which has been nicely planned!


  1. Glad to hear all the students were up bright and early - amazing - is there some African magic going on?
    Your second day looked action packed and exciting again. Hope you all enjoy the rest and relaxation tomorrow.
    Enjoying the lovely descriptions of your journeys and activities.

  2. What a wonderful and humbling experience for you all. It must feel wonderful to make a difference - enjoy your weekend!

  3. sounds like your having a great time we are enjoying reading your blog if you see richard tell him it was pouring down with rain this morning when we did his paper round so enjoy the sunshine
