Saturday 26 February 2011

Saturday 26th September

Afternoon everyone,
After an extremely fun packed evening last night with the campfire party and loud singing and African drumming we had a well deserved lie in this morning. The student experienced a Gambian powercut last night just as they were going to bed, the sky was amazing and we spent a while trying to figure out all the different stars!
This morning Anthony and I went for breakfast at 8.30am just in case there were any students up already. Josh and James had woken already and were going for a walk on the beach. The day has been spent playing water polo and volleyball and cutting out stencils for Mondays workshop activities.

The weather is extremely hot today and the students are spending a lot of time in the shade ( which makes my job much easier!!) tonight we are going in the mini bus to Kololi which is the busiest town in the Gambia to an African restaurant which will be fun. I am amazed at how experimental they have all been with regards to the food here. I am very impressed!! However Georgina did ask if there was a McDonalds!

The students have also been listening to stories from the taxi driver about life in the Gambia and also about the Muslim religion which is very helpful for their exams coming up!

Have to go as the Rugby is on soon!!!


  1. Your campfire party on the beach sounded fun - I'm glad that 5 years of drumming lessons have been useful. The early walk on the beach doesn't suprise me - James NEVER has a lie in!!! :)

  2. We are enjoying reading about your experiences, it all sounds fantastic. I'm sure you will have another great night.

  3. We're all loving reading your blog, you sound like you are all having the most fantastic experience! Can't believe Josh was up so early, that never happens on a Saturday morning at home! Enjoy the rugby :)

  4. I'm sure Ellie J made the most of the lie in after such a fun night on the beach. We are all starting to get jealous over here, it sounds so much fun.

  5. Sounds like you're having a fantastic time out there. Bekki, London was cold and wet, you didn't miss a thing. Enjoy your last few days - make the most of the sunshine.

  6. Thanks Mum
    Love Bek :)x

  7. I loved reading your blog, Alyesha sent me an email after seeing my video of Bafuloto, my dad and I were at the Mason Nursery School in April, and everyone was still talking about how good you were with the lovely children, Alex sends his love by the way, you can read about my visit on my website


    Katy x
